DbUnit NoSuchColumnException using Oracle with synonym chain.

I stumbled on the is problem using DbUnit 2.4.8 and Oracle driver for table names that are actually synonyms pointing to an other synonym pointing to a view in an other schema. (long story...)

WARN [2011-08-24 08:30:40] [user=] (DatabaseTableMetaData.java:getColumns:348) - No columns found for table 'XXX_TABLE' that are supported by dbunit. Will return an empty column list

org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchColumnException: XXX_TABLE.XXX_ID -  (Non-uppercase input column: XXX_ID) in ColumnNameToIndexes cache map. Note that the map's column names are NOT case sensitive.
	at org.dbunit.dataset.AbstractTableMetaData.getColumnIndex(AbstractTableMetaData.java:117)
	at org.dbunit.operation.AbstractOperation.getOperationMetaData(AbstractOperation.java:89)
	at org.dbunit.operation.AbstractBatchOperation.execute(AbstractBatchOperation.java:140)

It looks like OracleDatabaseMetaData doesn't take into account chained synonyms, even with "SYNONYM" included in the dbUnit table types config property (DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_TABLE_TYPE).

To work around this problem, I extended the DefaultMetadataHandler to resolve the actual schema_name/table_name when needed.

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;
import org.dbunit.database.DefaultMetadataHandler;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.dao.support.DataAccessUtils;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.ParameterizedRowMapper;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcOperations;

import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Solves the problem where Dbunit throws a NoSuchColumnException because it cannot resolve the column names through
 * a chain of synonyms.
public class OracleSynonymAwareMetaDataHandler extends DefaultMetadataHandler {

    public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OracleSynonymAwareMetaDataHandler.class);

    private final Map<TableInfo, TableInfo> synonymMap;
    private final SimpleJdbcOperations simpleJdbcOperations;

    private static final String SQL_SELECT_USER_SYNONYM =
            "\n with filter1 as (  " +
                    "\n select connect_by_root synonym_name root_synonym_name,  " +
                    "\n 	   connect_by_root table_owner root_table_owner,  " +
                    "\n 	   level lvl,  " +
                    "\n 	   syn.*  " +
                    "\n from user_synonyms syn  " +
                    "\n connect by synonym_name = prior table_name and (table_owner != prior table_owner)  " +
                    "\n start with synonym_name = :p_synonym_name and table_owner = :p_schema_name   " +
                    "\n ), filter2 as (  " +
                    "\n select filter1.*,  " +
                    "\n 	   max(lvl) over (PARTITION BY root_synonym_name, root_table_owner) max_lvl  " +
                    "\n from filter1  " +
                    "\n )  " +
                    "\n select table_owner,  " +
                    "\n 	   table_name  " +
                    "\n from filter2  " +
                    "\n where lvl = max_lvl  ";

    public OracleSynonymAwareMetaDataHandler(SimpleJdbcOperations simpleJdbcOperations) {
        synonymMap = new HashMap<TableInfo, TableInfo>();
        this.simpleJdbcOperations = simpleJdbcOperations;

    public ResultSet getColumns(final DatabaseMetaData databaseMetaData,
                                final String schemaName,
                                final String tableName)
            throws SQLException {

        final TableInfo tableInfo = getTableInfo(schemaName, tableName);

        return super.getColumns(databaseMetaData, tableInfo.getSchemaName(), 

    public boolean matches(ResultSet columnsResultSet,
                           String catalog,
                           String schemaName,
                           String tableName,
                           String column,
                           boolean caseSensitive)
            throws SQLException {

        final TableInfo tableInfo = getTableInfo(schemaName, tableName);

        return super.matches(columnsResultSet, catalog, tableInfo.getSchemaName(), 
                             tableInfo.getTableName(), column, caseSensitive);

    public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(DatabaseMetaData metaData,
                                    String schemaName,
                                    String tableName)
            throws SQLException {

        final TableInfo tableInfo = getTableInfo(schemaName, tableName);

        return super.getPrimaryKeys(metaData, tableInfo.getSchemaName(), 

     * returns the ACTUAL schemaName and tableName for the provided values
    private TableInfo getTableInfo(final String schemaName, final String tableName) {

        logger.debug("getTableInfo - schemaName: {}, tableName: {}", schemaName, tableName);

        TableInfo requestTableInfo = new TableInfo(schemaName, tableName);

        if (synonymMap.containsKey(requestTableInfo)) {
            return synonymMap.get(requestTableInfo);
        } else {
            TableInfo actualTableInfo = (TableInfo) DataAccessUtils.singleResult(
                    new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
                        put("p_synonym_name", tableName);
                        put("p_schema_name", schemaName);
                    new ParameterizedRowMapper<tableinfo>() {
                        public TableInfo mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
                            int ndx = 0;
                            return new TableInfo(
                                    , rs.getString(++ndx)

            if (actualTableInfo == null) {
                actualTableInfo = requestTableInfo;

            synonymMap.put(requestTableInfo, actualTableInfo);

            return actualTableInfo;

    private static class TableInfo {
        private final String schemaName;
        private final String tableName;

        private TableInfo(String schemaName, String tableName) {
            this.schemaName = schemaName;
            this.tableName = tableName;

        public String getSchemaName() {
            return schemaName;

        public String getTableName() {
            return tableName;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (!(o instanceof TableInfo)) return false;

            TableInfo that = (TableInfo) o;

            return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, that);

        public int hashCode() {
            return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this);

        public String toString() {
            return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE);

This OracleSynonymAwareMetaDataHandler class can be configured into dbUnit using the DatabaseConfig.PROPERTY_METADATA_HANDLER config property.

        oracleSynonymAwareMetaDataHandlerInstance );

The hierarchical (oracle) query I wrote is a bit tricky, but it returns the 'deepest' synonym on the fly. The same result could be achieved by recursively retrieving a single synonym at a time until no result is found.

with filter1 as (
select connect_by_root synonym_name root_synonym_name,
	   connect_by_root table_owner root_table_owner,
	   level lvl,	   	    
from user_synonyms syn
connect by synonym_name = prior table_name and (table_owner != prior table_owner)
start with synonym_name = :p_synonym_name and table_owner = :p_schema_name 
), filter2 as (
select filter1.*,
	   max(lvl) over (PARTITION BY root_synonym_name, root_table_owner) max_lvl
from filter1
select table_owner,
from filter2
where lvl = max_lvl

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